Sunday, 25 November 2012


November 21, 2012

Tonight we did our presentations for the case study we were given.  It was exciting to see the number of different apps people found to support the various challenges students face.  Below is a list of some of the apps that were introduced.

Graphia – a neat app that is used as a graphic organizer to draw diagrams, input words and input photos

Bone Scan Bob – a great app to teach the bones of the body.  It is a game of learning where you race for time and points as you put the bones in their proper location.

Skeletal Anatomy 3D –another app to support the learning of bones but it is designed at a higher level that goes into more detail.  It is great for students with ADHD or Asperger’s.  It also has a video to support the learning and provides an option for quizzes

This is my body anatomy for kids – Good for emergent literacy.  You can use some of the diagrams provided to take a picture and then put into pic collage.

I Book Creator – can be used to make their own book about the different bones and skeletal systems.  It is great because you can use dictation to create the text.

Dragon Dictate – It takes the child’s spoken word and puts it into a text format.  A great app for students requiring a scribe.

HT Recorder for iPad – is another way to record thoughts that can be put into a drop box and send to the teacher

Mr. Rogers Makes a Journal – allows students to create a journal uses Mr. Roger’s characters and pictures.  It is very good for students who focus on their emotions.

Puppet Pal –Lets students create a puppet show in which they choose the backgrounds and characters.  They can also record dialogue as they create the puppet show.  If students wish, they can use their own family pictures in the puppet show.

Comic Life – Is fun and creative with templates you can use. It would be a wonderful tool for making social stories.  You can take your own pictures to use if you choose.

iWord Q – and app similar to  co-writer,  It is a word prediction program that can speak as well.  The user chooses the voice, the rate of speech and the number of words it will predict.

iDiary for Kids – This app provides a lot of choice as well as the ability to password the book.  There a choice of color, stickers or the ability to draw.  The best part is that entries are time stamped and you can choose the font.  The user can choose to print, email or use the scrapbooking feature to save your creation.  The app also has a built in address book.

SHADOWARC – A great application for anyone with a visual impairment.  It can magnify items to make it easier to see. You can also pause a selected item so you can enlarge it as well.

Go Animate – is an application that can be used on the computer.  It uses characters that you select to create a scene.  Using the app is a great way to teach a concept because it is unique to be instructed by someone other than the teacher. 


I really enjoyed class tonight. I am amazed at how many different apps are available to support the various learning challenges individuals face.  I haven’t had much time to play with my new iPad but I am looking forward to finding out the hidden treasures it can possess!





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