Saturday, 17 November 2012


November 14, 2012

Tonight, Greg and I worked as a team to convert a paper assignment into a variety of formats that would be accessible for students with the following disabilities:

·         significant learning disabilities in reading
·         significant learning disabilities in writing
·         visual impairment
·         ADHD
·         Autism (nonverbal)
·         Asperger’s
·         Down Syndrome (emergent literacy)
·         Hearing impairment
·         Cerebral palsy (nonverbal, ataxic, no control of extremities)

Thanks to one of our grade 6 French teachers, we used an assignment in which students would use a word bank to label a picture of the human body, (in French of course).

In order to make this assignment accessible we used a variety of applications (Scan to PDF, type on PDF, Pic Collage, Notes and proloquo2go) to ensure the assignment can be accessible to all with a variety of disabilities. 

Next week we get to share our assignment with the class.  Hope we can remember what to do!!!

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